Emerging Artists


featuring works by students of the Perkowitz Art Studio


The Perkowitz Art Studio is please to announce an art exhibit featuring works by present and past students of our classes.


Media include oil paintings, colored pencil renderings, water color paintings and more.


Exhibit Dates: August 23 - September 27, 2019



Featured Artists:


•Kori Brandt


•Sherry Chavez


•Mardene Costa


•Brynn Cunningham


•Ellie Cunningham


•Jaclyn Foreman


•Michele Lahr


•Diane Lyle


•Clarese Ornstein


•Ted Romanelli


•Carla Shepard


•Mary Ann Testa


•Kate Uttich


•Judith Williams



©2025 Perkowitz Art Studio

116 S. IL Route 83  •  Grayslake, IL 60030  •   847-372-0451 •  Perkowitz@mac.com